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News and Blogs

Your Partner in Lyme Healing: Why You Need More Than A Doctor

As a Doctor of Pharmacy, Functional Medicine Health Coach, and Clinical Hypnotherapist, I’m all about providing a custom solution that’s tailored to your unique needs.
My programs go beyond what any traditional doctor offers.
I offer something truly unique that sets me apart. Let me break it down for you…

How Do You Test for Lyme Disease?

How do you test for Lyme disease?
Learn more about the testing procedure for Lyme disease and shortcomings of current recommendations

The “Cure” Controversy: Learn How the Power of Words Can Change Your Reality

There has been a lot written recently about the word “cure” and how triggering it can be for people who have chronic health conditions. Some people believe that the word “cure” can inspire false hope, or that being cured from a chronic or “incurable” condition can be misleading or even destructive.
I take a different stance.

Life with Lyme was HELL. Here are 3 Things That I Did to Fully Recover.

I could barely make it through my shift at the hospital.
It felt like I had an extra layer of gravity weighing me down and each movement was a struggle.
I had to conserve my energy throughout the day in order to make it to the end of my shift.

Study Shows Lyme Bacteria Survive a 28-Day Course of Antibiotics

Study finds Lyme bacteria survive a 28-DAY course of antibiotics when treated four months after infection by tick bite. 
All subjects treated with antibiotics were found to have some level of infection 7–12 months post treatment. Despite testing negative by antibody tests for Lyme disease, two of 10 subjects were still infected with Lyme bacteria in heart and bladder. 

How it Was Discovered Hyperthermia Kills Borrelia

If you’ve got Lyme or you know someone who has, you’ve probably heard of Dr Friedrich Douwes, a medical doctor who set up Klinik St Georg in Germany, initially for treating cancer, only to find that one of the main integrative therapies he was using for cancer, worked for killing Borrelia in Lyme disease as well: hyperthermia.

Adaptogens, Part I: Reishi

Adaptogens are consumed to help the body to adapt (well-named, right?) to counteract environmental stressors. This category comprises many herbs like ginseng, rhodiola, ashwagandha, astragalus and medicinal mushrooms. Unlike psychedelic mushrooms, these mushrooms do not elicit a mystically therapeutic experience, however, they can be nutritional powerhouses with a range of benefits.

Adaptogens, Part II: Lion's Mane

As an Integrative Health Pharmacist, I am passionate about viewing health from a holistic perspective with a multifaceted and multilayered approach. Modalities to achieve treatment goals still include the conventional prescription medications, but also add other practices such as meditation, cannabinoid medicine, dietary supplementation, homeopathy and herbs. 
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Create Your Plan Back to Health So You Can Live A Vibrant and Energetic Life Again

“Here’s A Quick Recap Of What You’re Gonna Get When You Get Started Today...”


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Now Check Out a Few of my client wins...

Want To Know What It's Like To Work With Dr. Christine Arseneau?

How Beverley experienced a great restoration of health from her Lyme disease diagnosis using my Empowered Healing coaching methods!
Unlocking Healing Potential: Sandy's Mindset Shift and Lyme Recovery
Real Deal Testimonial: Nicole Shares the Game-Changing Power of Dr. Christine's Unique Approach
Melissa's Lyme Journey with the Support of Dr. Christine Arseneau's Coaching Methods
Breaking Free from Anxiety in Just 5 Sessions: A Client's Success Story and the Power of the Mind
Unleashing the Power Within Through Hypnosis: Fatima’s Journey of Healing, Growth & Transformation
Rewriting the Script: Brandi's Remarkable Healing Journey with Dr. Christine Arseneau
Kari's Chronic Lyme Disease Results - Dr. Christine Arseneau

More Client Win Snapshots!

The Success Stories Keep Coming in... Are You Next ?

Get On Track To Overcome Lyme In the Next 90 Days!

If you qualify to work with me, I'm confident my process will work for you to get on track to overcoming Lyme while tackling your most pressing Lyme symptoms along the way.

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