
  • $225-$625
Your Partner in Lyme Healing: Why You Need More Than a Doctor 
As a Doctor of Pharmacy, Functional Medicine Health Coach, and Clinical Hypnotherapist, I’m all about providing a custom solution that’s tailored to your unique needs.
My programs go beyond what any traditional doctor offers.
I offer something truly unique that sets me apart. Let me break it down for you…
Most of my clients work with a Lyme literate doctor too – and having a solid healthcare team is crucial for health challenges that are complex. …But they often find that their doctor isn’t able to give them the level of support they need.

You see, symptoms usually get worse when starting new supplements or medication, especially if all the detox practices aren’t in place.

That’s where having access to me becomes a game-changer.

While others may have to wait for weeks to see their doctor, I’m right there for my clients, ready to coach and support you through any challenges that come your way.

And here’s the real kicker: I don’t just focus on prescriptions and medical advice. I take a holistic approach, looking at your entire lifestyle.

You see, doctors are amazing at what they do, but they simply don’t have the time to delve into lifestyle changes that are crucial for effectively overcoming infections.

That’s where I step in.

I help you identify gaps in your current plan and simplify things while optimizing what truly matters.

Together, we’ll create a solid foundation for your healing journey.

Oh, and here’s an eye-opener: Pharmaceuticals can deplete your body of essential nutrients, causing additional symptoms. That’s why I offer a complete supplement and medication review. By addressing these deficiencies, we can make sure your body is in top shape and minimize any unwanted side effects.

And here’s the secret sauce—my program isn’t just about the physical stuff. It’s a complete mind, body, and soul approach.
Through the power of hypnotherapy, we can fast-track your progress.

It’s incredible how focusing on the mental and emotional aspects can help you overcome your challenges in record time. (Like Megan, who overcame her life long anxiety in just 5 session with me)

The hypnotherapy technique I use gets you into a parasympathetic state – which is needed in order to heal. It doesn’t matter what supplements and medications you are taking if you are in ‘flight-or-fight’ – your body just can’t heal in that state.

So here’s what I’m all about: Empowering you to take control of your own health.

Together, we’ll not only tackle Lyme and infections head-on but also reduce inflammation so you can eliminate symptoms like pain and brain fog quickly.

I’ll guide you on managing stress because stress wreaks havoc on your immune system and symptoms.

You’ll gain clarity on what foods you should be eating and the daily practices that will get you closer to your health goals.

No more feeling overwhelmed—I’ll give you clear action steps to follow, making it all a whole lot more manageable.

I often see people get stuck in “procrasta-learning” where they research and research before making any decisions… and the thing is, the longer you wait to map out a plan, the worse symptoms get and the harder the issue is to treat… time really is of the essence when dealing with infections.

So I invite you to make decisions regarding your health quickly so you can keep moving forward instead of being stuck where you are.
And if working with me sounds like a good fit for your next step, you can apply for a Breakthrough Blueprint Session with me HERE to see how my Empowered Healing process will work for your specific situation.
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 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 5.0 Stars (81 Ratings) 

Create Your Plan Back to Health So You Can Live A Vibrant and Energetic Life Again

“Here’s A Quick Recap Of What You’re Gonna Get When You Get Started Today...”


  • $0.00 - $1,000
    $1,000 - $3,000
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    $10,000 - $15,000

Now Check Out a Few of my client wins...

Want To Know What It's Like To Work With Dr. Christine Arseneau?

How Beverley experienced a great restoration of health from her Lyme disease diagnosis using my Empowered Healing coaching methods!
Unlocking Healing Potential: Sandy's Mindset Shift and Lyme Recovery
Real Deal Testimonial: Nicole Shares the Game-Changing Power of Dr. Christine's Unique Approach
Melissa's Lyme Journey with the Support of Dr. Christine Arseneau's Coaching Methods
Breaking Free from Anxiety in Just 5 Sessions: A Client's Success Story and the Power of the Mind
Unleashing the Power Within Through Hypnosis: Fatima’s Journey of Healing, Growth & Transformation
Rewriting the Script: Brandi's Remarkable Healing Journey with Dr. Christine Arseneau
Kari's Chronic Lyme Disease Results - Dr. Christine Arseneau

More Client Win Snapshots!

The Success Stories Keep Coming in... Are You Next ?

Get On Track To Overcome Lyme In the Next 90 Days!

If you qualify to work with me, I'm confident my process will work for you to get on track to overcoming Lyme while tackling your most pressing Lyme symptoms along the way.

Book Your 1:1 Breakthrough Blueprint Call Below Today

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