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Life with Lyme Was HELL. Here Are 3 Things I Did to Fully Recover.
I could barely make it through my shift at the hospital.
It felt like I had an extra layer of gravity weighing me down and each movement was a struggle.
I had to conserve my energy throughout the day in order to make it to the end of my shift.
No more taking the stairs at work.
No more carrying my purse for a minute longer than I had to. Even carrying it a few extra steps drained me.
I depended on my afternoon cup of coffee to get me through the day.
Then I would walk through the door at home, fall to the floor and hug and squeeze my dog with tears in my eyes.

No long hikes for my pup. Not even a walk around the block. It took all my strength just to walk outside with her and tell her to hurry up and pee and run back to me. I felt like a terrible dog mom.

Then I pretty much had to go straight to bed in order to be able to get up the next morning and do it all over again. With not enough energy most nights to even feed myself dinner.

This was my life right before my chronic Lyme disease diagnosis. And not just chronic Lyme but multiple co-infections, parasites, viruses, and mold.

I would say this was my lowest point, however, my health actually deteriorated further when I first started treating the infections. My pain skyrocketed and I felt worse than ever before.

There were a lot of times that I questioned if I was on the right path.

There were ups and downs on the journey after I got my diagnosis.

However, there were some things I identified that were part of my treatment that I attribute to my outcome of being able to fully recover.

Three things to be exact.

#1 A comprehensive approach using functional medicine principles.

The functional medicine approach is comprehensive, not just focusing on the physical body. I used natural, effective supplements that are more easily tolerated than pharmaceuticals (which your body sees as a toxin to filter out).

In functional medicine, YOU are the center of the treatment team. I didn’t wait around for an expert to ‘fix’ me, I empowered myself with knowledge on how to reach my healthiest life.

#2 I decreased inflammation in my body.

You may be surprised at the things that cause inflammation in your body – even thoughts and emotions can be inflammatory!

So, using that comprehensive approach I mentioned in #1, I addressed inflammation in my body through stress management, my detox regimen, processing emotions, improving gut health, optimizing nutrition, and prioritizing movement and time in nature.

#3 I developed what I now call a Magical Mindset.

The soul and mind must be addressed as well as the physical body for true healing to occur.

I learned that my thoughts and judgements about my situation actually affected my ability to heal.

So I changed my thought patterns and the words I said out loud to align with healing.

…Fast forward about four years after I got my diagnosis and started treating and implementing those 3 core principles above – I had made it to the end of my Lyme journey!

It wasn’t easy and it wasn’t a quick fix – however, I fully recovered and have sustained that recovery for over 5 years.
Now I am in VIBRANT health. I am energetic and free to hike as long as I want, take yoga classes and do as I please without having to think twice about rationing my energy.

If you are struggling with Lyme disease, mold or an autoimmune issue… If you are experiencing pain, fatigue, and brain fog like I did…
And if you are having ups and downs in your progress and are questioning if you are on the right path…

…Then I want you to know there is hope for you too.

I’ve packaged the 3 key principles I learned during my own journey into an effective program to help others struggling with the symptoms I had. The extreme fatigue, the pain in my body, the brain fog where I felt like there was a cloud over my head that I just couldn’t clear.

My program is effective because it’s based on my 15 years of experience in healthcare plus my own personal journey overcoming pain and fatigue using a combination of functional medicine principals, ancestral habit hacks, and reprogramming of the subconscious mind.

Unlike other programs that just give you a cookie cutter protocol, it’s comprehensive, individualized and focused on reducing inflammation naturally.

If you’re ready, book a free consultation call with me and let’s get started. 
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Now Check Out a Few of my client wins...

Want To Know What It's Like To Work With Dr. Christine Arseneau?

How Beverley experienced a great restoration of health from her Lyme disease diagnosis using my Empowered Healing coaching methods!
Unlocking Healing Potential: Sandy's Mindset Shift and Lyme Recovery
Real Deal Testimonial: Nicole Shares the Game-Changing Power of Dr. Christine's Unique Approach
Melissa's Lyme Journey with the Support of Dr. Christine Arseneau's Coaching Methods
Breaking Free from Anxiety in Just 5 Sessions: A Client's Success Story and the Power of the Mind
Unleashing the Power Within Through Hypnosis: Fatima’s Journey of Healing, Growth & Transformation
Rewriting the Script: Brandi's Remarkable Healing Journey with Dr. Christine Arseneau
Kari's Chronic Lyme Disease Results - Dr. Christine Arseneau

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