Get on Track to Overcome Lyme In The Next 90 Days
(While tackling Lyme symptoms like pain, fatigue & brain fog along the way)
Hi, I'm Dr. Christine Arseneau, Pharm.D., FMCHC, CCHt - a Lyme coach who works virtually with clients all over the world. I empower you with the tools to overcome chronic Lyme. I understand what you are going through because I overcame a lifetime of Lyme disease myself.

Listen to my story here: Overcoming Lyme

What If You Could Get On Track To Overcoming Lyme So You Can Live A Vibrant Energetic Life Again?

I was struggling to make it through the day. 

My body was in pain and felt broken. 

To articulate the level of fatigue I had to someone who hadn’t experienced it before didn’t even seem possible as it was surreal even to ME as I experienced it.

It took 20 years for me to get a diagnosis of Lyme disease! 

By the point I had figured out what was going on… I had already been through a lot.

I had been hospitalized for meningitis… overcame a cancer diagnosis… dealt with gut and skin issues my whole life… and had so much pain in my body and extreme fatigue that I could barely get through the day without crying.

When the diagnosis finally came, I discovered I had several other infections running rampant in my body.

It wasn’t just Lyme disease… in addition to Borrelia, I had Bartonella… Babesia… mycoplasma… candida overgrowth… mycotoxins… EBV… CMV… parvovirus… blastocystis hominis…SIBO...

Yet I was able to overcome ALL of these infections and reclaim my health and get back to a vibrant energetic state!

You see, people get very focused on killing the bugs when they have an infectious disease like Lyme disease.

And I’m here to tell you that focusing on killing the bugs alone will not get you the results you desire.

Instead of going after each infection one by one, it made more sense for me to treat my SYSTEM. 

Clearly there was something off with the terrain of my body - and if I could bring my body back into a healthy, balanced, state, I knew that the bugs wouldn’t be able to survive.

Using a foundational strategy ensures the terrain of your body is healthy enough that pathogens can’t survive.

This takes a holistic approach that includes mind, body and soul.

It takes treating things in the correct order so you don’t overwhelm your system and get worse.

When you build up the foundation of your body and create resilience by focusing on gut health, detox and supporting your immune system… killing the bugs becomes easy.

Addressing the environment of my inner world meant addressing thoughts and emotions too because these create inflammation in our body and keep us stuck in the fight or flight response and stuck in our symptoms.

Soon after I reached full recovery in my personal health journey, I begin teaching others how to do the same.

As a pharmacist for over 15 years, I saw the gap in Western medicine and that people with complex health challenges like Lyme disease just weren’t getting better.

You need a few things that Western medicine doesn’t provide in order to truly heal… 

...Like using mind-body techniques to your advantage… 

...Like consistent touch points from a coach or mentor to keep you moving forward and in action toward reaching your goals... 

...Like a customized individual plan because everybody is different… 

...To tackle health challenges in the correct order so you aren’t spinning your wheels and making symptoms worse... 

...To shift into a Magical Mindset and into the parasympathetic state so your body can actually heal.

No more feeling too fatigued to even walk to the fridge. No more pain in my body. Now, I am living a vibrant energetic life full of abundance and I am deeply fulfilled as I help my clients transform their health and life.

If you’d like to put my method to the test, click here to book a 1:1 action call with me or a member of our team today & let's find out if our process is a good match for you...

With love, 

- Dr. Christine Arseneau, Pharm.D., FMCHC, CCHt

Interested in learning about holistic hospitals using ground-breaking treatments to treat Chronic Lyme? We refer to holistic hospitals who offer comprehensive Lyme plans, including whole body hyperthermia. Book a breakthrough blueprint call to learn more. 

What You’ll Get:

  1-On-1 Kickstart Call

We will hone in on your #1 goal to tackle so you can see FAST results, while also mapping out the broader longer term plan so you are confident about your custom plan to overcome Lyme.

 Unlimited 1-On-1 Coaching via a direct line to me 

You'll have access to me M-F for any hangups that come along as you implement your action steps. No need to wait for our next session to get your questions answered. This allows you to reach your goals faster and easier (and in a more fun way!) than doing it all alone. Access to me means you are getting my expertise - Doctorate in Pharmacy, Functional Medicine Health Coach specializing in Lyme, Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist - I have invested hundreds of thousands of dollars and countless hours in myself to hone my craft and get the best possible results for clients... and when you work with me, you'll receive 1-on-1 access to me to get insight & feedback in real time as well as map out a plan you feel confident about moving forward.

 Weekly Coaching Calls

I'll coach you through any obstacles and barriers to keep you moving forward as steadily and quickly as possible so you avoid overwhelm and feeling 'stuck.' Calls include mind-body techniques to reprogram your subconscious mind for success and get your body in the parasympathetic state so you can rest and heal.

 Complete Medication and Supplement Review

Individuality is important when it comes to your supplement plan - no cookie cutter protocols here! I will do a thorough review of your current plan and provide education on any interactions between drugs & supplements, nutrient depletions from medications, and any duplications or contraindications. We will map out a custom supplement plan that makes sense for you and where you are at in your journey based on what has and hasn't worked for you in the past.

 Personalized mind-body-science recordings 

Your subconscious mind will keep working FOR you behind the scenes, in between sessions when you listen to your personalized recordings which may include - clinical hypnotherapy, guided meditation, guided imagery, mindfulness practices, and mind clearing exercises.

 Step-By-Step Core Training Curriculum 

Get your hands on the exact systems & processes that generate consistent results in my clients' health. My aim is not to overwhelm but instead to give you just what you need. Some of our most successful clients skip the videos altogether and simply implement the action steps we co-create in or sessions. You have lifetime access to the curriculum to refer back to so it will continue supporting new goals you establish.

 Clients-Only Facebook™ Group

Join a private community of people taking their life back from Lyme. Get your questions answered by me and others going through some of the same health challenges you are. Share what is working for you and learn what is working for others. We heal in community.

Create Your Plan Back to Health So You Can Live A Vibrant and Energetic Life Again

Want more resources?

Now Check Out a Few of my client wins...

Want To Know What It's Like To Work With Dr. Christine Arseneau?

How Beverley experienced a great restoration of health from her Lyme disease diagnosis using my Empowered Healing coaching methods!
Unlocking Healing Potential: Sandy's Mindset Shift and Lyme Recovery
Real Deal Testimonial: Nicole Shares the Game-Changing Power of Dr. Christine's Unique Approach
Melissa's Lyme Journey with the Support of Dr. Christine Arseneau's Coaching Methods
Breaking Free from Anxiety in Just 5 Sessions: A Client's Success Story and the Power of the Mind
Unleashing the Power Within Through Hypnosis: Fatima’s Journey of Healing, Growth & Transformation
Rewriting the Script: Brandi's Remarkable Healing Journey with Dr. Christine Arseneau
Kari's Chronic Lyme Disease Results - Dr. Christine Arseneau

More Client Win Snapshots!

The Success Stories Keep Coming in... Are You Next ?

Get On Track To Overcome Lyme In the Next 90 Days!

If you qualify to work with me, I'm confident my process will work for you to get on track to overcoming Lyme while tackling your most pressing Lyme symptoms along the way.

Book Your 1:1 Breakthrough Blueprint Call Below Today

To discover whether or not our process is a good match for you...
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